Earth Touch Therapies
'Meeting physical challenges with MyoFascial Release, Energy Work, Massage, and Postural Alignment Exercises'


Earth Touch Therapies   573-825-2014

In alternative medicine, bodywork is any therapeutic or personal development technique that involves working with the human body in a form involving manipulative therapy, breath work, or energy medicine. Bodywork techniques also aim to assess or improve posture, promote awareness of the "body-mind connection" rather than the "mind-body connection", or to manipulate a putative "energy field" surrounding the human body and affecting health.  - from Wikipedia

Modalities used at EarthTouch Therapies:

  • MyoFascial Release -JFB (expert level)
  • Chi Gong
  • Tai Chi
  • Egoscue Method
  • Chakra Cleansing
  • Energy Work
  • Swedish
  •  Acupressure
  • Pregnancy, Infant. and Fertility Massage
  • Bodywork on Equines and pets
  • Hold Yer Horses Balanced Riding
  •  Womens Retreats 


MyoFascial Release (MFR), The John Barnes Method- is safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing positive and lasting results. Fascia is a tissue inside our bodies that supports and covers everything including muscles, organs, bones, nerves, and cells. Imagine fascia as a 3-D tubal spider web inside your body that surrounds and attaches to all structures down to the cellular level.  Fascia supports us, helps keep us upright, and scientist have recently discovered stores memories for us.  Unrestricted Fascia is essential for the proper function of moving parts such as muscles, joints and tendons. When fascia cannot move freely it can cause discomfort and pain in seemingly unrelated areas.  MFR is remarkably effective because it addresses a whole region, not just one area in isolation.

The goal of MFR is to restore the individual's freedom of movement, so they may return to a pain free, active lifestyle.

"This work is a team effort.   By this I mean that you and your body give me information that helps me know what I need to do to facilitate rebalancing, greater movement, and less pain as our goals.  I also give you three exercises that you may do at home to further your progress on your own."-Pattie Smetana

  MyoFascial Release is beneficial for postural problems, fibromyalgia, traumas, range of motion problems and chronic pain issues   Myofascial release techniques work even though the exact mechanism is not yet fully understood.  check out

 Chi Gong-Chi is Energy and Gong Breath. Described as a moving meditation. By using breath and movement we rebalance ourselves thus your body has a greater ability to heal itself. In the treatment sessions you are taught the basics of posture and breath as it relates to  health.  You then receive a treatment of energy assessment and rebalancing. Energy is everywhere around us and through Chi Gong and Energy work we pull in that energy to our bodies to rebalance and revitalize us.

Tai Chi-is an internal soft form of Martial Arts.  It is practiced for its health benefits and defense training.  Tai Chi is considered a moving meditation as the movements are done slowly.   Tai Chi and Chi Gong can benefit- anti aging, stress, fibromyalgia, blood pressure, balance issues, and quality of life.

Chakra Cleansing-Chakras are energy centers in our body.  Sometimes they can get bogged down and we may feel listless and tired.   A chakra cleansing helps move congestion out of the system and revitalizes , relaxes, and rebalances.

Reiki-Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is based on the concept that we are all composed of energy, it seeks to rebalance that energy within us which allows a healing process.

Subtle Energy Work-Energy work that rebalances the energy through the body and removes blockages so the body can realign and heal itself.  Energy work is very relaxing.

Swedish Massage- Long flowing strokes that help the body to relax and destress

Lymph Drainage-The lymph is part of the immune system.  In Lymph Drainage we are moving excess fluid out of the tissues so healing can occur.

Acupressure-Stimulating acupuncture points that lie on meridians (energy lines) that relate to certain organs throughout the body.  This rebalances the flow of energy in the body and supports various organs.

Perinatal,Body Work - Research shows that massage during pregnancy helps women relax, increases circulation, provides increased nutrients to the infant, helps ease labor pains, and contributes to better birth outcomes. Postpartum periods also tend to be less stressful  In pregnancy massage we use MyoFascial Release, Energy work, and Massage to help women relax, realign, and rejuvenate. 

Fertility Bodywork-These sessions are for realigning the body thru MyoFascial Release, using Acupressure, Reflexology, and Energy Work with some Chi Gong instruction to ready the body for pregnancy.

Infant Massage-This is a class of instruction on massaging your infant.  This is a self help class taught as a one on one.

Egoscue Postural Analysis and Exercises - Postural dysfunction can cause pain and compress function of vital organs.  What happens in an indepth  session; postural photos, functional tests,an analysis of all, and an exercise plan for correcting dysfunction, included are two myofascial treatment sessions.

 Bodywork for Equines and Pets -MFR, energy work, and equine touch techniques are used to help relax, rebalance, and restore body alignment. 

Chi Gong and Tai Chi at the Columbia Senior Center with an emphasis on balance work Wednesdays 10AM  -drop ins welcome




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