Earth Touch Therapies
'Meeting physical challenges with MyoFascial Release, Energy Work, Massage, and Postural Alignment Exercises'


"Meeting Physical Challenges with MyoFascial Release, Energy Work, Massage, and Postural Alignment Exercises."


The principle is that the human body, like the tree, is intended to stand straight and tall. We are to bear the load of our own weight, and rely on joints that  correctly function at right angles.

Our bodies should be fluid like the water within us.  We should have full range of motion with the ability to move with little effort. 

When we have restrictions or stress, blocks are created in that fluidity and it becomes a dead zone.  That is when discomfort, pain and disease can set in.  Pain is essentially a signal telling us that something is not working properly in the body.

Earth Touch Therapies,LLC can treat individuals from infants to seniors, horses and pets and when you are in those special times like pregnancy.

The goal of Earth Touch Therapies,LLC  Body work is to bring about a state of  and muscular balance and internal homeostasis to the individual, thus relieving pain and allowing the body to heal itself.   We use a form of treatment that seeks long term relief; that relaxes, realigns, and refreshes the body.

Earth Touch Therapies,LLC offers resources and assistance to help you meet your needs.

Located in the Stephens Lake Building 2100 East Broadway,  Suite 217A, Columbia, MO  65205


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025  Earth Touch Therapies.  All rights reserved.